About Me

Hello Everyone!

My name is Elizabeth Moore. I am from Altoona, Pennsylvania. I am a student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where I am studying Middle Level Math Education with a minor in Educational Psychology.

Click here to watch a video about me!

I enjoy being active, or doing anything outside. Even though I was raised in the city, my heart is in the country. I love being around animals and nature. I was introduced to the life style a few years ago, and I fell in love.



Like most people, I enjoy warm weather. When the sun is out, I am in a great mood.  Being healthy is really important to me. I lost 50 lbs about three years ago, and this made life easier and more enjoyable. I run everyday and I try to eat healthy. Running is my release. I tend to “get in the zone” while I run. I block out everything going on in my life, get lost in my surroundings, and feel at peace. My favorite place to be is the beach. I am not picky, so any place with sand and an ocean, I’ll enjoy. My absolute favorite thing to do is running on a boardwalk or the beach.



If you watched my video, then you probably saw this picture. I wanted to explain however, that we are laying in mud! It was a beautiful day outside and my friends and I decided to lay in this huge mud puddle for three hours. This is one of my favorite memories.

I have a new born obsession with lions. I think African cats are just amazing. I love learning about them. Someday, I will go to Africa to see all of the wild life there, and i can’t wait!

I am a motivated and driven person. I have defeated so many odds in my life. I have learned from every challenge that life has thrown my way, each making me a stronger person. I am really excited to become a math educator. I love learning and helping others. I tend to care about others more than myself and I believe this will show in my classroom. My goal as an educator is to encourage each student to try his/her best and also to help guide my students’ to make the right choices. I am so excited to live a long life of learning and contributing to the learning of others!

2 Responses to “About Me”

  1. megyezzo February 6, 2012 at 4:25 am #

    I love the goals and motivations in the last paragraph! Good for you, Beth! =) Awesome “About Me” page.

  2. lcevering February 15, 2012 at 3:53 pm #

    I am very impressed with your weight loss and your drive and determination to stay healthy and active! 🙂 It’s so important to develop those habits early as they make a huge difference later in life. I, too, love the sun and can tell a difference in my mood on a sunny day vs. a cloudy, dreary day. Honestly, it’s not the cold here in the winter that gets me down, it’s the cloudiness. Though this winter I have surely enjoyed having less snow and milder, sunnier days than the first two winters I lived here!

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